Sunday 17 June 2012

Y12 Internet Research HW

Complete for homework for either Mon 18/06 (Md12A) or Tue 19/06 (Md12C).

Use the internet to research the following questions. For each answer, provide the TWO different online sources.  Write the questions and answers (with links to your research) on your MEST3 blogs.
  • How much information is in circulation on the internet (in gigabytes)?
  • What proportion of the world’s population can now go online?
  • The number of people who could access the internet in 1995?
  • The number of people who can access the internet in today?

How has the internet changed the following? For each area, find at least TWO online articles that discuss these issues. Post up the links on your MEST3 blogs and select THREE quotes that comment on the area.  Then write a short paragraph about each of the bullet points saying what YOU think, in your own words.
  • nature of information
  • communication
  • privacy
  • community
  • online safety
  • business
  • culture
  • copyright

  1. Consumption totaled 3.6 zettabytes and 10,845 trillion words, corresponding to 100,500 words and 34 gigabytes for an average person on an average day. A zettabyte is 10 to the 21st power bytes, a million million gigabytes 
  3. 16 million
  4. 2280 million


1) nature of information: the web is more open and free now and with more users using it there is less accountability

2)communication on the web is now extremely simple because of software such as Skype, Facebook and instant messengers which promotes the global village however this could be seen as bad as well.

3) privay online is currently a hot topic because of the current laws being passed that prohibits you from sites als with things like cookies and your internet providers database . has anyone got privacy online?

4)GLOBAL VILLAGE! the internet brings people together , however as the internet is so free things can be put online that could cause moral panic

5) online saftey (for kids) is a hot topic currently in the houses of parliament , as they want to change the law so that you have to ask the company for porn instead of asking them to block porn

6) business has been updated meaning that everything can be done alot simpler using such things as cloud databases. this means business men do not have to be in places physically to show the document or product.

7) some communitys argue that the internet can dilute a countries culture (china) however most liberal democracies believe that blocking the internet is censorship aka trying to deceive the public.

8)in the 21st century plagiarism has become increasingly easy in fact so much so that the only reason record label make money anymore is because of a ploy from a record company releasing a statement "what happend to supporting the artists" this caused many people to take "the moral high ground" even though by doing that the are just instilling the top down approach (supporting the bourgeoisie) instead of making the world a more diverse, cheap and enjoyable place   

Monday 11 June 2012

                Uk penetration (Broadband)

  • 45 per cent of Internet users used a mobile phone to connect to the Internet
  • 6 million people accessed the Internet over their mobile phone for the first time in the previous 12 months
  • The use of wireless hotspots almost doubled in the last 12 months to 4.9 million users
  • 21 per cent of Internet users did not believe their skills were sufficient to protect their personal data
  • 77 per cent of households had Internet access
Get all the tables for this publication in the data section of this publication.

from : office of statistics (Gov)